Something for you to meditate on... It feels like there is a conspiracy at the moment...
i’ve had an interesting experience in last 48hrs that i wanted to share with you...
i’ve been the main organiser for "Basket Brigade" for the last four years, here in Scotland.
Basket Brigade is simply "feeding needy families at this time of year" (no judgment)
As it happens, i have arranged for people to come to my house this Sunday to help pack boxes (of which currently there are NO boxes and NO goodies to pack)
i was at a meeting on Wednesday and i was on the agenda to talk about Basket Brigade (again)... and this time, i sat patiently for three hours and in the last ten mins, we went around the room to see what we had all gained from the day’s proceedings... well i let them have it (with both barrels)...
i said, i don’t often use the word "frustrated", but i have to say i am seething inside...
so far NOBODY has mentioned Basket Brigade and all i’ve had from this group is more "verbal" support.
to date, i have rec’d TWO donations, one of £40 and one of £10. (my goal had been to raise a minimum of £1000 and to feed 200+ families)
i know the Law of Attraction etc, means i should be sending out the message that i am GRATEFUL for all of the support i have rec’d, when inside i wanna SHOUT how disappointed i am that so few people have actually DONE anything!
So i sent another mailshot on Wed eve (sat up until 2.30am to make sure it happened) - i was concerned that i might not be in the best "state" to word the mailshot efficiently, but i did it anyway.
Funnily enough, the last time i got on my high-horse, the energy shifted, and it seems to have happened again...
Thanks to a great book i’ve been reading, gifted to me by one of my friends (he’s the author), Sunil Sharma entitled "From Here to Happiness", i decided that i was no longer going to be attached to the outcome, but that my conscience was clear and i was focussing on the "intention"...
i decided that Basket Brigade WOULD happen, and even if it was only me, and we only fed 6 families this year - it WOULD happen... and i was happy with that!
Well, i awoke yesterday and i made a call that i’ve been procrastinating on for no apparent reason (fear of rejection i guess). It was to a Minister that has been helping me with Basket Brigade for the last few years, by giving us addresses to anonymously deliver to (i never ask for names).. He now trusts me and knows we are simply looking to donate with no hidden agenda.
What he shared almost brought me to tears...
He said "bless you Mike for having the drive to continue doing this work".
He shared with me, that two of the families that "we" (because i always invite others to help) delivered anonymous parcels to TWO years ago, have since been creating their own food parcels to deliver to OTHER needy families at this time of year... he continued "they are not financially wealthy by any means, but they now WANT to give back to others every year, because they remember how the act touched their own lives/hearts" - how wonderful!!!
That reminded me of one of my own phrases (which i share on my website at;
"Never underestimate the influence of your words and actions" - Dynamicmike
And so i wrote this down (i’ve never written this before)...
"I don’t know what i’ve done to feel so blessed...
It seems like there is a conspiracy at the moment... people are going out of their way...
to send me miracles!!!
(and if ever you wanted there to be a conspiracy, isn’t that the focus/result you’d love to have??)
Maybe it’s the Law of Sowing and Reaping... I have a clear conscience that i have sowed some great seeds and now it seems to be coming back to me MASSIVELY!
Then i rec’d an email from an amazing woman who also helps me with Basket Brigade every year - if you want to learn more about OUR Basket Brigade project, see my wee webpage at;
Laura works in a large Financial Services office in Edinburgh, and she simply sends a message via her office intranet, inviting all employees to donate just one item into the boxes left in the foyer... (imagine how many more office environments could do something similar...)
Her email to me said "i hope you have plenty space, because we have TWELVE boxes for you"
***UPDATE*** - I’ve just rec’d another email from her this second saying "we now have 31 boxes"
Here is another email i rec’d this morning;
"Basket Brigade is obviously a great cause and wonderful idea. I was surprised to read on your reply email to me that there weren’t any items yet to pack nor were there addresses to deliver them to, and wondered, in my very humble opinion, if it would be an idea to have started much earlier in the year to prepare for this period, to begin to collect the items, advertise for support in the various ways, and to have had time to research the intended 200 beneficiaries. To pull it together at this 11th hour may certainly work, although it may have been easier with more time! Just a thought."
My reply included this;
"of course, we all get caught up in our own "stuff" during the year, and it’s really interesting how a "timescale" can suddenly make things happen... and it HAS happened!!!"
One thing i must acknowledge here is that i am very aware that there are many people quietly doing great things (including fundraising balls etc) - and not just at this time of year.
So now here is my daily meditation, which i am delighted to share with you, (and you have my permission to borrow if you like)
"It feels like people are out on a conspiracy to send me miracles at the moment... and collectively we are all making a difference... now that’s MAGIC!"
What an AMAZING life...
Mike Berry ;-)