
Wednesday, August 06, 2008

flying a kite & Join the Global Peace Meditation on 08.08.08 (that's just two days away)

Just imagine if for one minute, the whole world stopped and just projected love and peace, just imagine the loving energy that would flow around the world and how many people would be healed, by just feeling they were loved.


"Never underestimate the influence of your words and actions"
- dynamicmike


As we know most people that are ill, just want "love". A deficit of love in an individual's life, is probably the biggest cause of illness and disease.

Here is a wee reminder how important it is to Love and FORGIVE.

Join the Global Peace Meditation on 08.08.08 (that's just two days away)


Mike ;-)


Meditations while flying a kite
by Nadine Starr – 86 years old

If I have to do my life over, I’d make more mistakes next time.

I would relax.
I would limber up.

I would be sillier than I have been this trip.

I know very few things that I would take seriously.
I would laugh more & cry less.
I would be crazier.
I would worry less about what others thought of me & I would accept myself as I am.
I would climb more mountains, swim more rivers & watch more sunsets.
I would watch less T.V. & have more picnics.
I would have only actual troubles & very few imaginary ones.
I would feel only sad not depressed.
I would be concerned not anxious.
I would be annoyed, not angry.
I would regret my mistakes not feel guilty about them.
I would tell people that I like them.
I would touch my friends.
I would forgive others for being human & I would hold no grudges.
I would play with more children & listen to more old people.
I would go after what I wanted without believing I needed it & I wouldn’t place such a great value on money.

You see,

I am one of these people who live life cautiously & sensibly & sanely, hour after hour, day after day.
Oh! I’ve had my moments, & if I had it to do over again, I’d have more of them.
In fact, I’d have nothing else.
Just moments, one after another, instead of living so many years ahead of each day.
I have been one of these people who never go anywhere with a thermometer, a hot water bottle, a gargle, a raincoat & a parachute.

If I have it to do over again, I’d go places & do things & travel lighter than I have.

I would plant seeds & make the world more beautiful.

I would express my feelings of life without fear.
If I had to do it over, I would start barefoot earlier in the Spring & stay that way later into Autumn.
I would play hooky more.
I wouldn’t make such good grades except by accident.

I would ride more merry-go-rounds.

I’d pick up more daisies …

& I’d smile!!


Mike ;-)
ps. we are now over 1200 group members and i believe i may not be allowed to continue sending group msgs, so please become a "fan" of gratitude-rocks here; http://go.to/gratitude-rocks